What do credit reports mean?
CompanyWall's credit report is an accurate and reliable online set of business information needed to make business decisions in today's marketplace. CompanyWall offers clients the largest database of business entities in Southeast Europe (Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, North Macedonia and Albania). Our best recommendation is tens of thousands of our active clients .
Financial statements are intended for all businessmen who want a quick and easy insight into reliable and concise data about their business environment. Just a few mouse clicks provide a clear and accurate report on the business of your customers, potential associates and competitors. The reports contain everything you need to create a true picture of the business of the companies you are interested in, as well as to determine from a distance how you can improve your business.
Credit report is delivered to you in PDF format which also represents your portfolio - a set of all representative qualifications of your business, which you can present to your business partners and associates.
>* At your request, we produce the original report in foreign languages.

CompanyWall Smart Data
CompanyWall business credit report contains data that can be divided into:
- Company information - name, contact, management, legal form, real estate owned, active mortgages and more
- Ownership structure - ultimate owner structure, ownership interests, timeline changes
- Financial data - balance sheets, operating income and short-term and long-term liabilities and receivables, analysis of financial position with stability parameters, tax liabilities, bills of exchange and pledges
- Accounts and blockades - active accounts, time spent in blockade, payments from abroad
- Credit Rating - The current credit rating consists of a static rating obtained by crossing the most significant indicators from the annual report and a dynamic rating that varies depending on the environment, business decisions and circumstances. It shows the success of your interaction with unforeseen business challenges, ie. your business intelligence.
Capacity forcredit rating shows the possibility of advancing to a higher credit rating with CW consultations - Court proceedings - Number of disputes, standing to bring proceedings, value of disputes and archive of judgments
- Graphic - Financial data analysis, financial and business ups and downs shown on the timeline
- Competition - List of all companies engaged in the same activity, the most successful and most unsuccessful companies engaged in the same activity in the UK and in the Southeast Europe, as well as data on their business

CompanyWall Credit Report - The Future of Business
Credit report allows people and organizations to achieve more. It used to be used to monitor results in order to set goals for the future. Today, that focus has changed significantly, clients no longer set goals with credit reports but largely predict future steps.
Internet access and the technological revolution have given us more ways to get to know customers and understand their behavior. Our task until yesterday to find the right information, today is not to get lost in it.
CompanyWall credit ratings are applied not only to make safer decisions and analyze the business of competitors and associates in the previous period, but also to assess the future business. The purpose of these reports is the faster business expansion and maximum optimization of resource use.
Modern business is ready to undergo dramatic transformations led by events that were in the domain of science fiction only a few decades ago. Let our algorithms find and logically cross-reference data for you and provide you with instant access to information that is very difficult or completely impossible to find through an internet search.

Credit reports and future trends
To understand where the trends are moving, Harvard Business Review analytics services have asked more than 600 global companies and IT decision makers to share their thoughts on what the business will look like by 2040. Analyzes suggest that the development of organizational structures and the creation of efficient teams will continue to be within the head, as will decisions on how to use the best technology to progress.
The point became clear during the research: things are more complex in the business environment, and leaders are increasingly acknowledging that they now have to plan for the future. Despite concerns that automated systems could leave people jobless, research shows that technology will eventually contribute to more jobs. In fact, many believe that technology will work in partnership with people who come up with smarter strategic decisions using productive communication and collaboration between organizations.

Credit rating
A set of standardized data that covers the complete business of a business entity

Financial assistant
Complete insight into the company’s financial data in order to distinguish reliable partners from unreliable ones

Creditworthiness rating report
Simple and precise insight into the most important data regarding company's business

Certificate of credit excellence
Certificate of the credit rating agency