Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Meetings of Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 02857797)

Registered office: 14th Floor, Dukes Keep, 1 Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX

Principal trading address: Wessex Way, Colden Common, Winchester, SO21 1WP

Former registered names (in previous 12 months): None

Trading names or styles: N/A

Notice is hereby given by Simon Guy Campbell and Carl Stuart Jackson, both of Quantuma LLP, 14th Floor, Dukes Keep, 1 Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX (IP Nos. 10150 and 8860) who were appointed Joint Administrators on 26 August 2016. A meeting of creditors of the above named Company is to be conducted by correspondence pursuant to paragraph 58 of Schedule B1 to the Act.

In order to be counted, votes must be received by 12.00 noon on 20 December 2016 being the closing date specified on Form 2.25B, together with details in writing of your claim. Secured creditors (unless they surrender their security) should also include a statement giving details of their security, the date(s) on which it was given and the estimated value at which it is assessed. The resolutions to be considered include resolutions specifying the terms on which the Joint Administrators are to be remunerated including approval of pre appointment costs. Any creditor who has not received Form 2.25B may obtain one by writing to Melanie Croucher at 14th Floor, Dukes Keep, 1 Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX.

Any person who requires further information may contact the Joint Administrator by telephone on 023 8033 6464 or email at Alternatively enquiries can be made to Melanie Croucher by e mail at or by telephone on 023 8082 1870.