Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Resolutions for Winding-up
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 02089369)

Registered office: 167 Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9BH

Principal trading address: Cuton Hall Ln, Chelmsford CM2 6PB

At a General Meeting of the members of the above named company, duly convened and held at 11 :00am at 167 Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9BH on 21 March 2025 the following resolutions were duly passed as special and ordinary resolutions:

Special Resolution

i. That the company be wound up voluntarily.

Ordinary Resolution

i. That Alan J Clark and Jenny Poleykett, of Carter Clark, Recovery House, 15-17 Roebuck Road, Hainault Business Park, llford, Essex, IG6 3TU be hereby appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company.

Joint Liquidator: Alan J Clark (IP number 8760 ) of Carter Clark, Recovery House, 15-17 Roebuck Road, Hainault Business Park, Ilford, Essex, IG6 3TU .

Joint Liquidator: Jenny Poleykett (IP number 30470) of Carter Clark, Recovery House, 15-17 Roebuck Road, Hainault Business Park, Ilford, Essex, IG6 3TU .

Date of Appointment: 21 March 2025

For further details contact Julie Jackson on 020 8559 5086 or at

Resolution Meeting Location: 167 Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9BH

Resolution Meeting Time: 11:00

Date of Resolution: 21 March 2025

Karen Sullivan, Chair of the Meeting