Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Notices to Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 03031075)

Registered office: The Rear of 102-112 Undercliffe Road, Eccleshill, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD2 3BN

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors of the above-named Company, (which is being voluntarily wound up by it’s Members and subsequently confirmed by its Creditors), are required on or before the 9th February 2017 to send in their full Christian and Surnames, their addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their debts or claims and the names and addresses of their Solicitors (if any) to the undersigned Raymond Stuart Claughton (IP Number 119) of Rushtons, Insolvency Ltd, 3 Merchant’s Quay, Ashley Lane, Shipley, BD17 7DB, telephone 01274 598585, the Liquidator of the said Company who was appointed on the 1st December 2016 and if so required by notice in writing from the said Liquidator, are personally or by their Solicitors, to come in and prove their debts or claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved.

1 December 2016