Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Resolutions for Winding-up
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 03682863)

Registered office: Marland House, 13 Huddersfield Road, Barnsley, S70 2LW

Principal trading address: Retford Road, Woodhouse Mill, Sheffield, S13 9WH

At a general meeting of the above named company convened and held at Mazars LLP, Mazars House, Gelderd Road, Gildersome, Leeds LS27 7JN on 03 November 2016 at 3.00 pm, the following resolutions were passed as a special resolution and as an ordinary resolution:

“That the company be wound up voluntarily and that Robert David Adamson and Patrick Lannagan, both of Mazars LLP, Mazars House, Gelderd Road, Gildersome, Leeds LS27 7JN, (IP Nos. 9380 and 9590) be appointed as Joint Liquidators of the company for the purposes of the voluntary winding up.”

For further details contact: Samantha Busby, Tel: 0113 387 8573.

Lorraine Royles, Chairman