Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Notices to Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 11424192)

Registered office: C/o CG & Co, 27 Byrom Street, Manchester, M3 4PF

Principal trading address: M.01 Tomorrow, Blue, Mediacityuk, M50 2AB

Notice is hereby given that creditors of the Company are required, on or before 25 April 2025, to prove their debts by delivering their proofs (in the format specified in Rule 14.4 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016) to the Joint Liquidators at CG & Co, 27 Byrom Street, Manchester, M3 4PF.

If so required by notice from the Joint Liquidators, creditors must produce any document or other evidence which the Joint Liquidators consider is necessary to substantiate the whole or any part of a claim.

Note: The Directors of the Company have made a declaration of solvency and it is expected that all creditors will be paid in full.

Joint Liquidator: Daniel Richardson (IP number 12650) of CG & Co, 27 Byrom Street, Manchester, M3 4PF.

Joint Liquidator: Edward M Avery-Gee (IP number 12410) of CG & Co, 27 Byrom Street, Manchester, M3 4PF.

Date of Appointment: 25 March 2025

For further details contact 0161 358 0210 or