Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Resolutions for Winding-up
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 04042738)

Previous Name of Company: Broomco (2251) Limited and Northbridge Management Limited

Registered office: The Byre, Wath Court, Hovingham, York, YO62 4NN

Principal trading address: The Byre, Wath Court, Hovingham, York, YO62 4NN

At a general meeting of the above named Company duly convened and held at 105 Wigmore Street, London W1U 1QY, on 15 December 2016, at 12.15 pm, the following resolutions were duly passed as a Special Resolution and an Ordinary Resolution respectively:

“That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Gareth Rutt Morris,(IP No. 9424) and Andrew Martin Sheridan,(IP No. 008839) both of FRP Advisory LLP, Kings Orchard, 1 Queen Street, Bristol, BS2 0HQ be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators for the purpose of the voluntary winding up.”

For further details contact the Joint Liquidators on Tel: 01172 033 677 Alternative contact: Jonathan Black

Bruce Offergelt, Chairman

15 December 2016