Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Resolutions for Winding-up
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 12327597)

Trading Name: The Vintry

Registered office: Deighan Perkins LLP, 1st Floor Commerce House, 1 Raven Road, South Woodford E18 1HB in the process of being changed to Jupiter House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3BE

Principal trading address: 7 The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 5TN

At a General Meeting of the above named Company duly convened and held at Jupiter House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE on 19 January 2023 at 3.30 pm the following resolutions were duly passed as a Special Resolution and as an Ordinary Resolution:

“That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Martin Weller (IP No. 9419) and Paul Atkinson (IP No. 9314) both of FRP Advisory Trading Limited, Jupiter House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE be and are hereby appointed Liquidators for the purpose of such winding up and that anything required or authorised to be done by the Liquidators be done by both or either of them."

Further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Email:

James Morris, Chair

19 January 2023

Ag YH102090