Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Notices to Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 04893235)

Registered office: 36 St George’s Wharf 6, Shad Thames, London, SE1 2YS

Principal trading address: 36 St George’s Wharf 6, Shad Thames, London, SE1 2YS

Notice is hereby given that creditors of the company are required, on or before 24 February 2017 to prove their debts by sending their full names and addresses, particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their solicitors (if any), to the Joint Liquidators at Griffins, Tavistock House South, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LG.

If so required by notice in writing from the Joint Liquidators, creditors must, either personally or by their solicitors, come in and prove their debts at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their debts are proved.

Date of Appointment: 21 December 2016. Office Holder details: Kevin Goldfarb (IP No: 8858) and Adam Harris (IP No: 15454), both of Griffins, Tavistock House South, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LG

Further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Email:, Tel: 0207 554 9600.

Kevin Goldfarb and Adam Harris Joint Liquidators

20 January 2017

Ag EF102281