Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code

In the High Court of Justice


In the matter of KERNOW CLEANERS LTD

Trading As: Kernow Cleaners,

and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986,

A Petition to wind up the above-named company of Kernow Cleaners Ltd (04777873) of Unit 26, Prideaux Close, Saltash PL12 6LD, Unit 26, Prideaux Close, Saltash PL12 6LD (where service of the petition was effected), whose nature of business is Cleaners, presented on Friday 14 March 2025, at 11:30 by SAMUEL BAILEY AND JONATHAN TREMBATH (AS JOINT SUPERVISORS OF THE COMPANY'S VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENT), of Richard J Smith & Co Llp, 53 Fore Street, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9AE claiming to be a Creditor of the Company, will be heard at the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, Insolvency and Companies List (ChD), Rolls Building, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL on Friday 04 April 2025, at 11:30 (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard).

Any person intending to appear on the hearing of the Petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioners or to their Solicitor in accordance with Rule 7.14 by 16:00 hours on Thursday 03 April 2025

The Petitioner's Solicitor is Andrew Pay, KITSON BOYCE LLP, Minerva House, Orchard Way, Torquay TQ2 7FA,, Telephone: 01803 206204, Email: (Reference number: ADP/RIC156/0048.)