Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Resolutions for Winding-up
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 03122745)

Registered office: 2nd Floor, Gadd House, Arcadia Avenue, London, N3 2JU

Principal trading address: The Gaiety, The Esplanade, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1JT

Pursuant to Section 283 of the Companies Act 2006, the following written resolutions were passed on 06 April 2016, as Special Resolution and Ordinary Resolution respectively:

“That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Paul Cooper,(IP No. 15452) and Paul Appleton,(IP No. 8883) both of David Rubin & Partners, 26-28 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4HE be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators for the purpose of such winding up.”

If further information is required, Paul Cooper or alternatively David Marks may be contacted on telephone number 020 7400 7900.

Jayne Sanders, Chairman

06 April 2016