Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Meetings of Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 11615388)

Trading Name: Loxley Sports Bar & Grill

Registered office: Loxley New Road, Sheffield, S6 4NG

Principal trading address: Loxley New Road, Sheffield, S6 4NG

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Director of the Company are convening a virtual meeting of creditors to be held on 15 April 2025 at 11.15 am, for the purpose of deciding on the nomination of a liquidator.

Creditors can access the virtual meeting as follows:

In order to be entitled to vote creditors must deliver proxies and proofs to M.R. Insolvency, Suite One, Peel Mill, Commercial Street, Morley, LS27 8AG by 16:00 on the business day before the meeting.

The convener of the meeting is Damian Chapman, Director

NOTE: the meeting may be suspended or adjourned by the chair of the meeting (and must be adjourned if it is so resolved at the meeting).

Nominated Liquidator: Michael Royce (IP number 9692) of M.R. Insolvency, Suite One, Peel Mill, Commercial Street, Morley, LS27 8AG .

For further details contact Claire Flowers on 01924 663998 or at