Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Resolutions for Winding-up
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 05252458)

Registered office: The Old School House, 75a Jacobs Wells Road, BS8 1DJ

Principal trading address: Clifton Pavillion, 85 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1QS

At a general meeting of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 14 Orchard Street, Bristol BS1 5EH on 22 December 2016 the following resolutions were duly passed as a Special and an Ordinary Resolution respectively:

“That it has been resolved by special resolution that the company be wound up voluntarily and that Neil Maddocks and Rob Coad, both of South West and Wales Business Recovery, Orchard Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH, (IP Nos: 9239 and 11010) be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company for the purposes of the winding up.” At the subsequent meeting of creditors held at the same place on the same date, the resolutions were ratified confirming the appointment of Neil Maddocks and Rob Coast as joint liquidators.

Further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Email: Tel: 0117 376 3523. Alternative contact: Email:

Michele Arcangelo Botta, Chairman