Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Meetings of Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code

Bristol District Registry of the High CourtNo 542 of 2015


(Company Number 01645295)

Previous Name of Company: Simon Construction Limited

Registered office: 2nd Floor, 30 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4ND

Principal trading address: The 1903 Police Station, 6-8 Sommerville Road, Bristol, BS7 9AA.

Notice is hereby given by the Joint Administrators that, under paragraph 58 of Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 and Rule 2.48 of the Insolvency Act 1986, the business of an initial Creditors’ Meeting of Chatsworth Homes (Bristol) Limited will be conducted by correspondence. The resolutions to be considered may include resolutions specifying the basis upon which the Administrators’ remuneration and disbursements are to be calculated, requesting that unpaid pre-administration costs may be paid as an expense of the Administration, and specifying the date upon which the Administrators are discharged from liability in respect of any action of theirs as Administrators. The closing date for receipt of Forms 2.25B by the Joint Administrators is 18 February 2016. The form must be accompanied by a statement of claim, if one has not already been lodged, and sent to the Joint Administrators’ office. Any creditors who have not received Form 2.25B can obtain one from the Joint Administrators’ office.

Date of appointment: 11 December 2015.

Office Holder details: A H Beckingham and C A Prescott, (IP Nos. 8683 and 9056), both of 2nd Floor, 30 Queen Square, Bristol BS1 4ND.

For further details contact: N H Harcombe, Email: Tel: 0117 929 4900.

A G Beckingham and C A Prescott, Joint Administrators

01 February 2016