Insolvency Notices

Notice Type
Meetings of Creditors
Publication date
The London Gazette
Notice ID
Notice Code


(Company Number 07125721)

Registered office: 118 Sydenham Road, London, SE26 5JX

Principal trading address: 3 Hogarth Close, London, E16 3SR

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a meeting of the creditors of the above named Company will be held at Hunter House, 109 Snakes Lane West, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0DY on 10 January 2017 at 11.00 am for the purposes mentioned in Sections 99, 100 and 101 of the said Act. Resolutions to be taken at the meeting may include the terms on which the liquidator is to be remunerated and his disbursements paid, and the meeting may receive information about, or be called upon to approve, the costs of preparing the statement of affairs and convening the meeting. Zafar Iqbal (IP No. 6578) of Cooper Young, Hunter House, 109 Snakes Lane West, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0DY, is qualified to act as an insolvency practitioner in relation to the above and will make available for inspection, free of charge, a list of the names and addresses of the Company’s creditors between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on the two business days before the day of the meeting.

Further details contact: Paula Bates, Tel: 020 8498 0163

Mariglen Agaqi, Director

07 December 2016